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Updated: Oct 29, 2019

Machinery, Organisation, Negotiations, Supplies, Treachery, Execution, Reassignment

This is about a spy agency. Which is deadly to those who betray the boss in any way.

Halo is dragged in to it, and she needs to escape before it is too late.

Will she make it?

This is going to be a choice story which is going to be updated every few weeks. To start with I am going to give you a brief overview of the story and the characters then I will write the intro and at the end I will leave the choices for the next part as well as posting them on social media. The highest overall in the poll will be the choice that is written first. They will be colour coded red or blue so it will be titled part 1 (red choices 1 and the second part will be marked 2 etc.) So yes that is all for this post ask any questions you have and the next part will tell you all about the characters and a brief overview of how they all ended up within the spy agency.

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