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Introduction blog

Welcome to my blog, my name is Daisy Nash and I write on wattpad under the username Dotstarflowers. So I started writing when I was really little, at 5 years old I had the weirdest dreams and I wrote little stories about them. Then as I grew up my handwriting got a lot neater and my writing vocabulary grew. My ideas and forms did too. We all have things we do naturally like embroidery or cooking, something we are naturally talented at. Writing has always been mine and I realised that last week, at a university open day for fashion funnily enough. So I am currently travelling back from the coast by train, after looking at another open day for creative writing and I loved it. Is it weird that my energy increases when I write or talk about books? I am working on two books at the moment, the letters that were written with a heart, and shattered. Letters that were marked with a heart is about Leona Grey and her friends after their friend Pandora commits suicide, and they go on a trip to remember her. The reason for the name is Pandora writes the group letters and the paper she uses is marked in the top right corner with a heart. As for shattered, it follows Elara Glass after she is diagnosed with Anorexia and she ends up in a hospital where she is taken to get better. Along the way, Elara meets a few other sufferers and they discuss things as well as her friends coming in to talk to her.

My other hobbies include singing, drawing and boxing. As a person, I am incredibly clumsy, I just love the floor too much you know. This is why one of my friends nicknamed me ’impossible girl’ because I fall over a lot and in the strangest ways and under very unlikely circumstances. Such as when I fell flat on my face in heels in front of my friends class and all that was left standing up was my high heeled boots. And if that wasn't bad enough my water bottle ran away from the sheer embarrassment of being seen with me. You know you are in trouble when your water bottle runs away screaming when you fall over because it is saying “Not again”. That was last year, needless to say I haven't worn those boots to sixth form since.

If you have any questions or want to ask me anything or contact me please feel free to send me an e-mail via or dm me on wattpad or on Instagram. I won't add your question to the blog unless you want me to, and if I do your identity will be kept secret. Hope you have enjoyed reading this, thank you.

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