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Writing blog part 4

Welcome to my writing blog. So this past week has been drama-packed and to be honest, I think I prefer writing drama than being part of it. But there is an element of truth in the phrase ’you are what you write’. In my case, Georgina from Unique was the first character that had one of my more comic traits of falling over a lot. That's life though isn't it, we have our positives and negatives. This is why creating characters with a balance is important, so that they pass the negative Nancy or perfect Petunia test which makes them a realistic character and will engage your readers as they will sympathize or despise your character accordingly. 

Have you ever had that moment where you just don't want to do anything? Me too, what I do is grab a pen and write anything down that I am thinking down. Then I read it and start to work again. As a matter of fact, I made one of my short stories that way. I had no idea where to set it of what the characters were going to be like so I just wrote a paragraph without thinking. And I came up with felines and canines living in Utopias. Sometimes just getting started on something means you find the right route quicker, there is always a new draft but a first draft comes first. So don't put it off. That is one of my key tips, follow your heart and write what comes to mind. It doesn't have to be like magic flowing out of your fingertips and onto the page, it can be like spilling lots of strawberry laces at first. Then you reread and refine, then it will start coming together. That goes for anything really if you stick at it you will get there. It might not be on the first attempt but keep trying and you will get there in the end. 

I will be posting some writing tips next week on here and I hope that you will enjoy them.

I was on the train the other weekend and I remember observing a person's reflection as the train went through a tunnel and seeing the way their face scrunched up with a click. Then seemed to stretch out with a breath. It was an odd thing to pick up on but it gave me an idea so I am starting to write the last part of the short story the trouble of triple this week.

Next part next Wednesday. See you then, happy reading.

~ Dotstarflowers ~

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