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Writing blog part 6

Welcome back, so this week has been all over the place. For textiles I started making an origami dress out of paper, that was earlier today. Writing wise it's been good, I am going to start a horror interactive story soon which I will post up in a few days.

When you write it's like you are someone else, for me anyway. I guess you are what you write, in my case I must be a little bit of a romantic, and a bit clumsy to say the least. And of course sassy and all round creative.

Have you ever had that moment where you watch a movie 6 times only to realise that you find one of the lead characters cute? I found a musical which is based in an apocalypse I absolutely love it. I think I have a new Christmas movie, way too early I know but seriously I love the movie.

Anyway send me any questions you have, by email or message. I hope you enjoyed reading this, see you next week.

~ Dotstarflowers ~

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