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Writing blog part 18

Hello and welcome back, it has been about 3 weeks since I last posted. I had mock exams and a fashion show which went as well. At the moment I am mainly writing poetry and short parts from the stories I am working on at the moment. In one of these I am weighing up the pros and cons of turning a character into a villain at the moment. Although I am not sure what to do about it. I will figure it out eventually.

Stories coming soon include; the clockwise anthology (Marcus from unique while fighting with ice is going on and shortly after. A collection of poems and short stories.), Pandora’s anthology (a collection of short stories and poetry centred around pandora from letters that were marked with a heart), Love live laugh ‘poems from the heart’ (a poetry anthology on the theme of love), and angels don’t cry and devils don’t lie (a story based on the idea of what happens after we die).

At the moment I am working on the final parts to heroes of ours and mirror me, The elementals, 25 dates to find true love, and love is a strange thing. I usually work on a poetry anthology at the same time as a novel so that I have a variety of options writing wise and that keeps me motivated.

~ Dotstarflowers ~

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