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Writing blog part 10

Welcome back, its officially christmas break from friday. And in a week it will be christmas day. I still can not believe that this is my final Christmas here, 7 years I have been at the same school. Yes, it has been fun, watching the same drama teacher get every year to shout “ho, ho, ho” and this year public speaking will be doing a piece reading during the concert. And it's sad but at the same time, I can't wait. Christmas lunch was good, talking to some of my close friends. And the cracker jokes are the same as usual, and no one read the long letter thing as per usual. I read it once but I was really bored. 

At the moment I am finishing the letters that were marked with a heart, and I have had a million proud author mother moments while writing it. Mainly because of what a sweetheart Dodge is, I have to admit that part of him is based on a friend of mine but the rest is this weird mix that I can't work out exactly where it came from. As for Lea and Josie, those girls are crazy and I love them. My favourite pair is definitely Dodge’s friends, let's be honest I didn't originally think about adding these characters I just wanted two extra characters for one scene and it happened from there. I also love Evelyn, she is a really nice character. 

I finally finished shattered the other week and I am so happy. When you finish a book you know in your head what happens after it ends. I am not going to spoil the extra scene but it happens a while after the final chapter. If you could choose a place to live in would it be Jason's ward (the shattered hospital wing) or Bradville (the town in which the Letters that were marked with a heart is set)? 🌹for letters or ✔️for shattered.

~ Dotstarflowers ~

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