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Writing blog part 18

Hello and welcome back, it has been about 3 weeks since I last posted. I had mock exams and a fashion show which went as well. At the...

Writing blog part17

Hello welcome back, last week I was ill but I am back now. As a treat I will upload a taster scene for one of my most popular books...

Writing blog part 14

Hello, and welcome back to the dotstarflowers writing blog. It seems like weeks since I have last written this eventhough it has been 7...

Writing blog part 13

Welcome back, It has been a stressful week what can I say. In amongst it all I have completed two things so that’s good. In two weeks I...

Writing blog part 11

Merry Christmas all! Needless to say, this year has been a hectic one but I am looking forward to 2020. By this point, Christmas songs...

Writing blog part 10

Welcome back, its officially christmas break from friday. And in a week it will be christmas day. I still can not believe that this is my...

Writing blog part 9

Welcome back, it's been a long week and tomorrow is dinner dance. I'm this mix if nerves and excitement, but that is normal for me. I...

Writing blog part 8

Hello and welcome back to my blog. By this point, I have once again been running around making things and attending more rehearsals. At...

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