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Writing blog part 9

Welcome back, it's been a long week and tomorrow is dinner dance. I'm this mix if nerves and excitement, but that is normal for me. I haven't done much in terms of writing except adding to a future story which I'm not sure about at the moment, it's about a girl with a phobia and her life with it. It is set in an alternate timeline in the Miss Redwood universe. It is going to be a longer story a similar length to unique with different perspectives. If I decide that I like the idea enough. Let me know if you would like to hear more about this story or if you would read it.

It is two weeks until Christmas, maybe I should be singing Christmas songs but I'm not really. It's not that I don't like them it's more that I'm an awkward person. I'm better than I used to be, writing and public speaking helped with that. As well as drama enrichment last year, despite the never ending arguments and annoying the teacher constantly which was amusing.

Next week it's the last week of school before we go off on break and I'm in the choir after joining a few weeks ago, it is busy but fun. My life in a nutshell stressful but fun. I look forward to the Christmas concert is always fun, and at year we did a reading which was terrifying but fun at the same time. I can't believe this is my final Christmas here, that fact seems more daunting than leaving in a few months. But the world is waiting if that makes sense, and I can't wait to get my name out there. Dotstarflowers is my writing name and it will always be a part of me if that makes sense.

~ Dotstarflowers ~

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